Did the Game of Thrones finale foreshadow Princess Diana’s death? 

Princess Diana’s tragic death occurred in 1997, 22 years before the final season of Game of Thrones.  What this GoatsUp.net article explores is, what if it didn’t.


Lady Brienne, Tormund, and Harry

In season 8 episode 4 Lady Brienne hooked up with Sir Jamie, to the surprise of all fans who were rooting for Tormund. But if you look at Prince Harry it is pretty clear Lady Brienne had a hot rebound on a cold night in Winterfell with our favorite red headed Wildling.

Candle in the Wind

“Every time a new Targaryen is born the gods toss the coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land.”

If you look back at Elton John’s 1986 performance of Candle in the Wind in Sydney it’s hard to believe he is not Targaryen. It is commonly believed that Candle of the Wind was re-recorded in 1997 with proceeds from the song going towards Princess Diana's charities.  However, the other side of the coin may be a nod to season 8 episode 5 when the Dany turns mad queen and torches King’s Landing.


Bran is BOring, just like Charles

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